Matrimonial Infidelity Investigation: a Montreal Woman's Story

Matrimonial Infidelity Investigation: a Montreal Woman’s Story

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Marriage, Trust, and Infidelity

Trusting the people you love is important. But what does trust in a relationship mean to you? To many of us trust, it is when you and your partner can rely on each other and feel safe emotionally and psychologically in your relationship. The union built on trust and mutual respect between two partners is what makes it so strong. Adultery, however, is a real threat to your happy future together. In fact, infidelity is one of the worst things that can happen to your union and eventually lead to a divorce or separation.

What if Your Partner is Cheating on You

So what if you started having these thoughts about your partner suspecting that he or she is cheating on you? What if you started noticing all or some of those signs of your partner’s infidelity that you have read about on the internet but never took seriously? What if the wall of trust you have been building for so long is about to crumble?

Suspicions arise from doubts and even if your partner never thought of adultery, your disbelief may lead to a very unpleasant end of your story. Certainly, you can always tell your loved one about your doubts or even try to ask your common friends if they have noticed the same things as you. But what if the answers don’t give you peace of mind? And instead, you feel tormented and insecure, compromising your partner’s reputation along the way. All these thoughts won’t help you to keep your trust or your sanity.

Knowing the Truth and Having Infidelity Proof is the Key

Surely you can try to handle this situation yourself, but most probably you will do things you will regret later. Hiring a professional private investigator will help you to find out that cheating does really occur, if this is the case, and your significant other indeed lives a second life, eventually spending your family assets on her or his adultery. A private investigator will gather indisputable facts about your partner’s infidelity, proving your doubts reasonable. Facts that you can later present in court to prove your partner’s cheating.

The Infidelity Investigation in Montreal: True Story

One will be surprised how many people ask private investigators to help them collect information either to prove the fact of infidelity or disprove it. Below is just one of the stories. This woman decided to share her experience in order to help those who are still in doubt.

Josianne, 53 y.o., Montreal, Canada

“My ex-husband Benoit and I were a very ordinary couple. We had been married for good 30 years, and I can tell you I thought I knew him as well as I knew myself. I knew his everyday routine, what perfume he liked, his favourite colour, movie, superhero character, you name it. Then, two years ago everything changed completely in less than a week. He started changing his shirts and underwear every day, changing his perfume. Benoit also got some new eating habits and was constantly on his phone.

At some point, I noticed that we stopped hugging and kissing, and he even moved to our basement, having told me he needed some privacy. My husband’s behaviour contradicted his own nature that I had known all those 30 years. It seemed not only strange but scary too. I initially thought he was going crazy or started to have this, you know, man middle age sort of crisis. So when I asked him what was the matter he simply replied that he wanted some refreshing changes.

The Moment When I Called a Private Investigator

God, if I only knew how refreshing those changes were! Benoit started taking his time to get back home from work, and didn’t reply nor returned my calls. After a few lonely nights and crying my eyes out I decided to call a private investigator. I couldn’t believe I was doing this. Honestly, I felt ashamed that I would put our marriage at risk by doing this. What if Benoit finds out about my call? And what a disgrace if my family or his family would ever find out about it.

But my urge to know what was going on was much stronger and I did it, I called. I approached three private investigation agencies in Montreal and picked the one that I felt most comfortable with. We spoke very well, and the private investigator listened to me very carefully, noting all my doubts. The private investigator who worked with me was very specific. He explained what he would do and also asked me if I was ready to know the truth, because it may hurt, you know, the truth.

Infidelity Investigation Process: What to Expect

And it had begun. Every day, my private eye would follow my husband (now I should rather say “my ex-husband”) in a very discrete and confidential way. Then the investigator would send me some photos and reports of what Benoit was doing, who he was with and so on. A few days later this investigator found out that my husband, who I thought I knew so well, was having an affair! I won’t tell you the rest, how I presented the proof of his infidelity to him, how he denied the whole thing, and so on…

We are divorced now, and I am very grateful to that Montreal private investigation firm, that gave me peace of mind. I can move on now and start a new life. My advice to those who see or find themselves in the same situation as mine: do not waste your time doing your own investigation, call a professional. It is worth it.”

Prove the Cheating or Restore Trust in Your Partner

Josianne’s story is unique although one of many, but all these stories have one thing in common – the clients got proof of cheating because their partner was really cheating on them.

But what if cheating never occurred and you were all wrong about your partner although you found out about it too late, for example, after your breakup? Here is the situation: all is good for your couple, the future is promising and the happiness shines above your heads, except sometimes you have that feeling that something is not right, that your loved one’s behaviour seems odd and inconsistent, and you become jealous, start arguing and doing things you would never even thought of doing before.

We often rely on our intuition, a gut feeling, that in most cases is right but it also can be dead wrong, especially being tinged with our insecurities and emotions. It can be due to stress, some conflicting thoughts you get after a movie, it can be anything – there are so many reasons. Even if everything seems normal, but you continue having this odd feeling, hiring a professional private eye can help. The results of the investigation will put you at peace of mind and help to restore trust in your partner and give back your sanity.

Reliable Information and Complete Confidentiality

Your private investigator understands like nobody else that family infidelity is an extremely delicate matter. A good private eye treats each infidelity case with respect and complete confidentiality. Seeking help from a private investigator means that you get relevant and reliable information. This information will never be shared with anyone under any circumstances unless you request an investigator to do otherwise.

If it seems to you that you are losing trust in your partner, or if you no longer feel confident, perhaps it is now time to act. Talk to us. We will listen carefully and suggest the next move.