Surveillance and Private Investigation

The Art and Science of Surveillance in Private Investigation

What is Surveillance in Private Investigation?

Surveillance is an activity where private investigators perform observations of people, places, and vehicles. Private investigators use the results of surveillance to support allegations of inappropriate behavior. These techniques range from physical observation to electronic monitoring. The success rate largely depends on the surveillance results.

The private investigation process uses a wide range of technical tools, of course. The most popular are cameras, cell phones, and vehicles. Using a combination of the tools, regardless of the subjects under surveillance, whether it is a case of an unfaithful partner (significant other), business partner, or health insurance fraud allows achieving the greatest efficiency.

However, we certainly should not forget about the ingenuity and resourcefulness of private investigators. Especially considering limited budgets. Timely and efficient analysis of incoming information is very important since we cannot rely on technical tools only. If desired, surveillance can be done by fifty or a hundred detectives, although, the financial resources of the client are always the limiting factor. The key to solving any problem is a combination of skills and techniques. And this is one of the key advantages of Wolf Group private investigators located in Montreal. Let’s take a look at a couple of examples.

Insurance Fraud and Surveillance

It is not uncommon for insurance companies to become targets of fraud. One of the most frequent types would be health insurance fraud. Usually, the security services of insurance companies handle these cases. Oftentimes their legal departments contract the help of private investigators. Here is an example of a classic insurance case at the factory. Pierre M (the name has been changed) worked as a technician at a manufacturing facility in Brossard. At the above-mentioned facility, Pierre M was involved in activities associated with both manual and automatic assembly processes.

September 15, 2019. Mr. M was operating a semi-automatic machine. At some point, he slipped and as a result, he severely dislocated his right arm. Right after the accident, Mr. Pierre M was provided with the necessary medical care. He later underwent a full course of treatment and rehabilitation at Brossard Hospital. As a result of this accident, the victim was temporarily unable to work.

October 5, 2019. The investigation was conducted with the participation of the medical commission. Lawyers of the insurance company also participated in the process. This very organization covered the insurance costs of this case. The arm damaged by an accident at work needed further rehabilitation and healing. Mr. M was declared temporarily incapacitated and unable to perform necessary operations with the injured hand. The main problem was the difficulty to perform proper grasping movements. In this regard, the insurance company assigned monthly payments to Mr. M. The amount corresponded to the average monthly salary of a specialist of his qualification. Medical specialists of Brossard Hospital conducted examinations every three months after the accident. According to Mr. M, it was not possible for him to perform simple actions using his injured hand.

When an Insurance Company Hires a Private Investigator

May 20, 2020. The security department of the insurance company contacted Wolf Group’s private investigative agency. The purpose was to conduct surveillance of Mr. M. He was suspected to fake his painful condition, which makes it illegal to receive insurance payments.

During the surveillance period from 5 AM on May 22, 2020, the following was established at the residence of Pierre M. At 8 AM, Mr. M took his child to school and returned home after. At 11 AM, he started washing his Dodge Ram. The right injured hand was involved in this process. At 1 PM, Mr. M engaged in gardening works and planting. The hand in question was fully used once again. Especially with shovels and other garden equipment.

Physical Surveillance: The Process and Conclusions

May 23, 2020. Pierre M visited a medical clinic in Brossard to carry out a scheduled examination. His arm was bandaged, although, it was not previously. Mr. M put on a protective bandage at the entrance of the clinic. Later, during the interrogation, the doctor treating Mr. M, Dr. Daniel C explained that his patient complained about pain in his right hand. Mr. M referred to the inability to perform simple tasks with it.

May 24, 2020. 8 AM. Mr. M took his child to school. At 8:25 AM, he arrived at Costco Candiac in his Dodge Ram. At 10:40 AM, Mr. M left the store with a cart containing seven large bags of groceries. Mr. M put the bags in the back of the car using his right hand.

Further Surveillance Means More Evidence

May 25, 2020. Pierre M was at home all day. At 6:30 PM, he met with some friends. At 6:45 PM, they arrived at the basketball court. Mr. M actively participated in the game and threw the ball with his right hand.

May 26, 2020. Pierre M has been engaged in garden works once again, actively using a saw and a hammer to build a flower box. All the actions were performed with his right hand once again.

Wolf Group presented the detailed surveillance report with photo and video attachments to the insurance company.

June 5, 2020. The lawyers of the insurance company appealed to the civil court of Brossard to file a liability claim for prosecution against Mr. M for the reason of faking a painful condition. Mr. M breached the insurance payout agreement by faking his physical impairment after recovery.

August 20, 2020. 10 AM. A court session took place. During the hearing, the court took into account the report of private investigators. As a result, Pierre M was sentenced to a corresponding punishment in the form of the return of a significant part of the insurance payments and a fine.

Every Piece of Information is Vital for Private Investigation

When communicating with private investigators, any details and nuances are very important. Considered insignificant at times, small details can play a very big role in the outcome of a private investigation. These types of investigations can include spousal infidelity, insurance fraud, stalking, background checks of business partners, previous experience of employees in hiring, tenants, and search for missing people. The list of potential pieces of information is long. Addresses of close and distant relatives. Contacts of friends and colleagues. Contacts from previous jobs and places of study. Photos, videos, and profiles on social networks. Phone numbers, active and old. Special features. Clothing style. Character traits. Habits. Hobbies… Every little detail is extremely important! You may think otherwise but every tiny piece of information can make a big difference and lead to a more successful outcome.

People sometimes feel that a simple task is easy to perform, however, some tasks are trickier than they might first appear. It would seem easy to check the address of the suspect. The task is straightforward if it is a private house in an active residential sector. But if it is a private house in a quiet street, it becomes more difficult. If the case in question is in the 50-story apartment building with a concierge, it becomes much more complicated to investigate.

Surveillance and Missing People

Unfortunately, there are a lot of missing person cases that happen every day. Even though a lot of missing people come back on their own after a while, this is more of an exception to the rule. The investigation process of cases like that might take days, months, and, even, years. It is not uncommon for missing persons to become victims of criminal acts or different kinds of accidents. Some might decide to radically change their lives and disappear from the radar for specific reasons, so they intentionally stay out of touch. In the event of pursuit, they confuse the traces and even try to mislead the pursuer.

However, we do not want to discourage you. Our private investigators have extensive experience with police and tax authorities around the world. Leave it to the professionals.